Thus from the moonlit prism of gilding lights, I see a maiden far and wide.
Searching for an answer to life’s yielding urge of sanity.
A glimmer of hope sparks from within,
in a world so cold and set with chill that the promises are of utter vanity.
For thus does thy hair glimmer with scarlet and crimson across thy chest,
Gilding a passion stirred from between thy legs, a masterpiece thats obsessed.
With the pleasure of pain, A guilt ridden madness of purple velvet stain.
A betrayal of a lover's kiss begins to turn away into a serpent's hiss.
For where is it that ye lye wait?
Under the glimmer of nightshade erosion,
a bitter lust truth of state.
O' how i wish to rave upon thy soul in midnight passion of dark chariots,
Suppressing my passion within thee, Howling into the night, a ripeful variant.